1. Meeting Opening 1.01 Call to Order 1.02 Pledge to the Flag 1.03 Roll Call 2. Approval of Minutes 2.01 Approval of Minutes for 08/21/2018 Meeting 3. Policies - Second Reading 3.01 Drivers' Qualifications (Addition to Driver's Manal) - Second Reading 4. Discussion 4.01 SOL Scores Update 4.02 PBIS 4.03 Substitutes 5. Miscellaneous 5.01 School Board items 5.02 Administration Items 6. Closed Meeting 6.01 Adjourn to Closed Meeting 7. Reconvene 7.01 Reconvene to Open Meeting 8. Certification 8.01 Certification of Closed Meeting 9. Personnel 9.01 Approval of Personnel 10. Adjournment 10.01 Meeting Adjournment
1. Meeting Opening 1.01 Call to Order 1.02 Pledge to the Flag 1.03 Roll Call 2. Approval of Minutes 2.01 Approval of Minutes for 08/21/2018 Meeting 3. Policies - Second Reading 3.01 Drivers' Qualifications (Addition to Driver's Manal) - Second Reading 4. Discussion 4.01 SOL Scores Update 4.02 PBIS 4.03 Substitutes 5. Miscellaneous 5.01 School Board items 5.02 Administration Items 6. Closed Meeting 6.01 Adjourn to Closed Meeting 7. Reconvene 7.01 Reconvene to Open Meeting 8. Certification 8.01 Certification of Closed Meeting 9. Personnel 9.01 Approval of Personnel 10. Adjournment 10.01 Meeting Adjournment